Our Team

Certified Disney Vacation Planners

"Remember, you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine."-- Snow White

"Remember, you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine."

-- Snow White

Melinda Hanks, Owner/Travel Consultant (Florida)

melinda.hanks@cadmgmt.com / 941-219-3331

“Everyone has an addiction .. mine just happens to be Disney :)”— Sari Hamway

“Everyone has an addiction .. mine just happens to be Disney :)”

— Sari Hamway

Sari Hamway, Travel Consultant (New York)

sari.hamway@cadmgmt.com / 917-536-1995

Venture outside your comfort zone. The rewards are worth it.- Rapunzel

Venture outside your comfort zone. The rewards are worth it.

- Rapunzel

Jenny Savage, Travel Consultant (Tennessee)

createadreambyjenny@gmail.com / 901-493-0016

“All it takes is Faith and Trust!”—Peter Pan

“All it takes is Faith and Trust!”

—Peter Pan

Aube Kies, Travel Consultant (North Carolina)

createadreambyaube@gmail.com / 704-791-4245

“We are all mad here!”— Cheshire Cat

“We are all mad here!”

— Cheshire Cat

Meg Smith, Travel Consultant (Texas)

megcreateadreamtravel@gmail.com / 972-965-2759


"Keep Moving Forward"

- Walt Disney

Monica Leamy, Travel Consultant (Florida)

barbileamy@gmail.com / 407-497-9669